Cosmos: Travels in Space and Time

Continuing his exploration of the Cosmos, Carl Sagan takes us today on an exploration of interstellar and time travel, the likes of which no human being has ever actually experienced so far.
In order to explain this idea, and after giving a quick lesson on constellations, he goes to the Tuscany area of Italy (home of Leonardo da Vinci and childhood residence of Albert Einstein), and conducts some thought experiments in order to illustrate the strange consequences and apparent paradoxes of Einstein's theory of special relativity.
With a basic understanding of the physics involved, Sagan then turns his attention to the possibility of future travel to other stars and galaxies. Although this is a sound theoretical possibility, the engineering required to make this a reality is still nowhere in the foreseeable future yet, but scientists are already coming up with ideas about how to get started...
Check out the rest of Carl Sagan's Cosmos.
Neil Degrasse Tyson: Why The Cosmos Shouldn't Make You Feel Small
As you probably know, Carl Sagan's famous documentary series Cosmos is getting what I hope will be an impressive update/extension this year. Obviously, Sagan won't be narrating the documentary, so astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, who was actually...
Cosmos - The Lives Of Stars
If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, Carl Sagan famously argued, you must first invent the universe, and for that, you're going to need stuff. But where does the matter that make up the cosmos come from? How is it created? If all matter...
"cosmos"'s Back With A New Host--neil Degrasse Tyson
Popular science via "Cosmos" will return with a new outfit...more CGI, that is. "Cosmos Will Get a Sequel Hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson" by Email Author August 5th, 2011 Wired More than three decades after it aired, Carl Sagan’s groundbreaking, brilliant...
"popular Scientists Of The Past" Poll
Who is your choice for "popular" scientist of the past? Albert Einstein...4 Carl Sagan...1 Don Herbert [Mr. Wizard]...1 Philip Morrison...0 Well, I must say, I expected billions and billions of replies. Though I did not vote for him, I figured that Einstein...
Nasa, Sagan, Extraterrestrial Life
What is the underlying reason for this? "NASA seeks next Carl Sagan - and extraterrestrial life" by Daniel Trotta September 3rd, 2008 Reuters The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, famous for its manned missions to the moon, announced...