Conservatives to Poor, Hungry People: Fuck You!

Sometimes I wonder if this is all just some twisted dream, of a society run by psychopathic, corrupt, greedy and heartless corporate overlords who finance Fox News and the political campaigns of conservative underlings whose sole job is to drop their pants to their ankles, bend over, and take it with a smile, all while reciting their heads-we-win/tails-you-lose catch-22 mantras and headache-inducing Orwellian doublespeak against the poor, minorities, the disenfranchised in general, and those currently unemployed (most likely because they lost their jobs when the corporate overlords threw the world's economy into disarray after they gambled with their investors' money and then got bailed out by the same people who lost their jobs because of them): if the poor use their food stamps to buy cheap food (because they can't afford anything else), then their subsequent obesity and health problems are their own fault; and if those who can afford a little more buy healthier and pesticide-free food, they're free-riding moochers exploiting the system... I try not to be too partisan on this blog (though I constantly fail at that), but there's no other way to put it: these people are assholes.
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