Comedy and Technology

Comedy and Technology

My Fellow Comedists,

Every new technology brings with it comic possibilities. Radio gave us not only Burns and Allen and Jack Benny, but Spike Jones and the use of sound effects.

Television opened the door for comic geniuses like Ernie Kovacs and Sid Cesar who used the new medium to create comedy that couldn't have existed without it.

The internet gives us YouTube, an amazingly effective tool for humo distribution. So, this weekend, what's the funniest clip you've seen on YouTube? This week the talking animals have been viral:

So, what's the funniest YouTube clip you've seen?

Live, love, and laugh,

Irreverend Steve

- The Feast Of Saint Peter
My Fellow Comedists, This weekend would have been Peter Cook's 75th birthday. One of the leaders of the new radical comedy of the 1950s and 60s in Britain. His first troupe was a four-man outfit that performed under the name "Beyond the Fringe" and...

- Funniest Cartoon
My Fellow Comedists, This week marks the 83rd anniversary of the release of Steamboat Willie, the first animated cartoon with sound. From the beginning, the medium was seen as a good one for comedy because the sort of slapstick gags we saw coming out...

- Comic Flashes
My Fellow Comedists, This weekend is Joe Piscopo's 60th birthday. Joe Piscopo was a member of the Saturday Night Live cast in the early 80s and his comedy enjoyed a run of popularity that precipitously ended. This is not something that is unusual...

- The Feast Day Of Saint Demento
My Fellow Comedists, Today is the 70th birthday of Barry Hansen, better known as Dr. Demento. Long before we had YouTube and e-mail to help comedy go viral, Dr. Demento and his syndicated radio program were our primary vector for infectious laughter....

- The Feast Of Saint Fred
Brothers, Sisters, and Transgendered Comedists Everywhere, This week we celebrate the feast of Saint Fred. Fred Allen would be 113 years old. Best known for his radio programs in the 40s (many of which can be downloaded here), Fred Allen was a comedian...

