College textbook issue again--studies

Full text and accompanying material for the May 2007 report "Turn the Page: Making College Textbooks More Affordable." Topics discussed include strengthening the market for used textbooks, increasing library resources, adopting alternatives that lower prices (such as buying consortiums), implementing textbook rental programs, improving financial aid, and utilizing 21st century technology (such as online and electronic textbooks). From the Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance, U.S. Department of Education.Advisory Committee on Student Financial AssistanceFree digital texts...a start
The Price Of Textbooks
Few would dispute that the cost of college textbooks is out of control. I regularly have students come in to beg a desk copy because they have run into financial problems and simply cannot afford to drop the outrageous amounts that are charged. On the...
One of my projects for the summer is working on a philosophy of science textbook I've been developing bit by bit for a few years now. It is one of the world's worst kept secrets that textbooks, required for virtually every course, tend not to...
Rumble In The Collegate Jungle
"E-books cheaper, but still unpopular" Publishers are making more textbooks available online at reduced prices. by Mike Mullen March 8th, 2010 The Minnesota Daily On Monday, applied economics professor Donald Liu met in his office with a sales representative...
Free Digital Texts...a Start
Well, it is a start. Despite the expense of the books and the fact that something is being done to assist students with the texts, it is still cool to have a real book at hand. "Free digital texts begin to challenge costly college textbooks in California"...
Higher Education And The Science Textbook Issue
I have been reviewing some student emails and there have been numerous references to a school's science textbooks. There appears to be some issue with them. A number of students have complained that they are inadequate in that they fall short in understandable...