Classic literature/science

Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions
Verne, Jules
Around the World in Eighty Days
Verne, Jules
Earth to the Moon
Five Weeks in a Balloon
Verne, Jules
From the Earth to the Moon
Verne, Jules
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Verne, Jules
The Moon-Voyage
Verne, Jules
Off on a Comet
Round the Moon
Wells, H. G.
The First Men in the Moon
Wells, H. G.
In the Days of the Comet
Wells, H. G.
The Time Machine
Wells, H. G.
The War of the Worlds
Also available:
"The War of the Worlds" by H. G. Wells as performed by Orson Welles & the Mercury Theatre on the Air and broadcast on the Columbia Broadcasting System on Sunday, October 30, 1938
Recorded Broadcast
Wells, H. G.
When the Sleeper Wakes
France's "mysterious Island"...endangered
Jules Verne wrote a book called Mysterious Island complete with strange creatures and the wet dock for Captain Nemo's Nautilus. Today a new island has been formed with less than monstrous creatures and being invaded by the human species. "France's...
Lucian Of Samosata
Lucian of Samosata was an Assyrian rhetorician, and satirist who wrote in the Greek language. Le Vere Narrationi, A True History, parodied some fantastic tales told by Homer in the Odyssey. Lucian anticipated “modern” fictional themes like voyages...
Impey Barbicane And Jules Verne
Impey Barbicane From the Earth to the Moon Jules Verne February 8th, 1828 to March 24th, 1905 Impey Barbicane? Yes, Impey Barbicane...the hero, who having determined that a projectile can be fired to the moon, moves to Florida and constructs the...
Edward Bellamy's "looking Backward"
Edward Bellamy March 26th, 1850 to May 22nd, 1898 Today is the birthday of Edward Bellamy...a somewhat forgotten literary figure and his futuristic novel Looking Backward. "March 26, 1850: Birth of a Socialist Sci-Fi Writer" by Tony Long March 26th,...
Earliest Science Fiction
Science fiction is a huge and popular genre and can well serve the populace with sound science but for the most part this genre lives up to part of it name--"fiction". But where did science fiction begin. Most people would say it started with writers...