Chemists' Club

Chemists' Club

Never heard of this 100 year old organization.

The Chemists' Club's mission is both professional and social. It provides networking opportunities for members to mix and meet with others who share interests in chemical, paper, pharmaceuticals, metals, biotech, and similar industries. Members include chemists, chemical industry management, formulators, security analysts, attorneys, educators, and other professions.

Chemists' Club

- Heirloom Chemistry Set--wow
"Heirloom Chemistry Set" by John Farrell Kuhns KICKSTARTER To tell our story for this Kickstarter project, we really have to start in Christmas of 1959. Like many young scientists of the time, I received a Gilbert Chemistry set. This chemistry set...

- Ethylene And Tin...serendipity
Remember the tired tomato vines at this time of year. Some tomatoes were the size of golf balls and less and some were near ripening...the size of baseballs. And what was done? The vines were ground up and destined for the compost heap while the salvageable...

- American Chemical Society And An Educational Proposal
On February 2nd, 2009 at Rudy Baum's blog [American Chemical Society] the issue of "chemistry" education was addressed. As parents and citizens, we all know how vitally important education is. As chemists and scientists, we are painfully aware of...

- Academic Salaries
Well, what do you expect from a society that wants the technology of science and does little to promote science. Go Tigers.... "Academic Salaries" Faculty salary gains continue to lag behind bigger increases for administrators, football coaches by Michael...

- Dow Chemical's Greatest Acquisition--ever!
An update to the post regarding a near 50% increase in chemicals by the chemical industry...Dow Chemical will acquire Rohm & Haas to the tune of $15, 300, 000.00. Chemical industry raises prices "Dow Chemical Buying a Rival for $15.3 Billion" by...

