Celebrate a single tree...the "Survivor Tree"

Celebrate a single tree...the "Survivor Tree"


Oklahoma City National Memorial [Wikipedia]

Survivor Tree

- Manuel Lima - The Power Of Networks
The art and science of formal classification owes its origin to the great philosopher Aristotle, who conceived of a conceptual tree whose trunk and branches denote different divisions of ontology, hierarchies of being, logical and natural relations, etc....

- Rush - On The Origin Of Specious, Religion Family Tree
One of the most useful tools Darwin bequeathed to us is the phylogenetic tree of life. Part of the reason this is a great tool is that it can help us visualize virtually any genealogical relationship in which some version of the mechanism of natural selection...

- Osage Orange [maclura Pomifera]--delightful Tree
INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF FORESTS The Osage Orange is a most interesting tree providing a worthless fruit in the fall often called "hedge apples" but the timber from the tree has worthy properties and earned a place in part of the history of the North...

- Those Rare Trees Of Age
INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF FORESTS My colleague Tim sent me some information and a photo of the "Homon Sugi" on Japan's Yaku Island. The estimated age of this tree is 7,200 years. This made me wonder what the oldest living things on Earth are. Well,...

- Rare Woods
International Year of Biodiversity This item retails at $200,000 and made from six different types of rare woods. And it took five months to build. Just one example of a thirst for rare and exotic woods many being plundered from forests throughout the...

