Brian Greene - The Search for Hidden Dimensions

Virtually since its inception, string theory has found itself in a very intellectually precarious position: the mathematical models are both beautiful and coherent, but we don't yet know whether they are true. This is not simply due to the philosophical problem of the underdetermination of theory by data but by the fact that string theory can only make sense of our universe by postulating the existence of spatial dimensions that go beyond those of our experience, and which, consequently, may not be testable.
This raises the question of whether string theory is a truly scientific theory or just fascinating intellectual masturbation, and in the following animation, Brian Greene contributes his two cents to the debate, attempting to make the case that even though we may not be able to directly observe multiple dimensions, we may nevertheless be able to do so indirectly.
And while we wait for the Large Hadron Collider to churn out some results, lolcats are already making plans to take over the world...

Where is Schrodinger's cat when you need it?
Is It Ever More Reasonable To Not Think For Yourself?
Just read a wonderfulpiece by John Hardwig called "Epistemic Dependence" in which he argues that for most of our beliefs, it is rational to not think for ourselves. He considers cases in which we are not capable of understanding, muchless evaluating,...
8. Evolutionary Theory Connects With Quantum Mechanics
8. How does evolutionary theory connect with quantum mechanics? Feel free to do a google search to buttress your answers here. Clue: Think of Brian Greene meeting Charles Darwin. If Briane Greene and...
Week Two: Natural Philosophy
FILM: QUANTUM THINKING The film asks what is real. When we observe objects you do not sufficiently define it because we do not fully understand it. As the film states, we are "invariably altering what we are examining." We form our own opinions that differs...
Brian Greene - Why Is Our Universe Fined-tuned For Life?
Have you noticed that wherever Brian Greene goes, computer animations go with him? Well, this TEDTalk presentation is no exception :) I'm starting to wonder whether this might be the physicist equivalent of a comfort blanket... In any case,...
Blackholes At Lhc Predicted But No "evidence"
Again I question the efficacy of theoretical physics. Here it is stated by two physicists that according to the resolution of Einstein's field equations that black holes may be a result of high energy physics...but there is no evidence. However,...