Brian Cox's Guide to Quantum Mechanics

Ok, so last time we talked about the properties of light on this blog, in the Light Fantastic documentary series, we saw Thomas Young was able to account for color by arguing that light must be some sort of wave: different frequencies would produce different colors.
Well, given its strange history, it should come as no surprise to you by now that light would conceal even more mysteries. In the following short clip, Brian Cox explains Einstein's photoelectric effect and his challenge to the wave theory of light, all of which opens the door for an explanation of one of Richard Feynman's greatest contributions to physics: quantum electrodynamics, as well as the justification for building the Large Hadron Collider.
Of course, if Brian Cox isn't your cup of tea, you can also hear a description of QED from Feynman himself in this classic jewel.
3. Einstein/ Bohr Debate
In the famous Einstein/Bohr debate over the implications of quantum theory, who do you think won? Explain why and be sure to detail your answer with pertinent information related to quantum entanglement, the double-slit light experiment, and other strange...
Light Fantastic - Light, The Universe And Everything
Welcome to the final episode of Simon Schaffer's fascinating documentary series, Light Fantastic. Thanks to the incredible work of Einstein, we know today that although light travels in straight lines through space, space-time itself isn't always...
Richard P. Feynman
Richard P. Feynman May 11th, 1918 to February 15th, 1988 Richard P(hillips) Feynman was an American theoretical physicist who was probably the most brilliant, influential, and iconoclastic figure in his field in the post-WW II era. By age 15, he had...
A Birthday Celebration Today-- Freeman Dyson...#85
While he was in his 20s, Dyson made a huge contribution to science: He [with Feynman, Schwinger and Tomonaga] solved the central problem of quantum electrodynamics...a theory that describes how light and matter interact--without the credentials of a...
"little Things That Jiggle: Richard Feynman And Atomic Physics"
Little Things That Jiggle: Richard Feynman and Atomic Physics is an interesting six minute or so film of a compilation of bits and pieces of public domain film whose central theme revolves around Richard Feynman' physics. It has been posted at various...