Bill Maher - Catholics Come Home Spoof

Bill Maher - Catholics Come Home Spoof

Once the most powerful institution in the world, the Catholic Church has been experiencing the number of its faithful dwindle over the past few decades. I won't speculate as to why this is the case, but the point is that this real estate power house is in some trouble, which is why they decided to put together a series of commercials with high production value to invite back those people who consider themselves Catholics. Place your mouse over this bubble to watch an example.

Impressive, isn't it? I bet you didn't know they developed the scientific method.. Of course, when they applied this 'method' to people like Giordano Bruno, it was called burning alive at the stake for daring to question their absolutist dogma, and in the case of Galileo, house imprisonment... yay science!

Anyway, with recent news about even more cases of child abuse surfacing yet again, Bill Maher decided to help the Catholic campaign with a new catchy commercial:

Check out the real history of child abuse perpetrated by Catholic priests in this quick animation.

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