Before Zahi Hawass...Gaston Maspero

Gaston MasperoJune 23rd, 1846 to June 30th, 1916 Long before Zahi Hawass [current Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities] there was Gaston Maspero a French Egyptologist and director general of excavations and antiquities for the Egyptian government.Gaston Maspero [Wikipedia]Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt
History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia, and AssyriaVolume I [Chapters I, II, and III]Volume II [Parts A, B, and C]Volume III [Parts A, B, and C]Volume IV [Parts A, B, and C]Volume V [Parts A, B, and C]Volume VI [Parts A, B, and C]Volume VII [Parts A, B, and C]Volume VIII [Parts A, B, and C]Volume IX [Parts A and B][Unfortunately, volumes X, XI, and XII are not yet available.]
Pulp Scifi Online
They are getting rare, expensive, and quite fragile. Here is a large assortment for reading online or download. [NOTE: Some of the files have been expurgated for copyright reasons.] Amazing Science Fiction Stories, Volume 15, Number 11, November 1941...
Volume #13 Of 30...huge Project On Albert Einstein
"Caltech and Princeton University Press Release Thirteenth Volume of Einstein Papers" September 26th, 2012 by Kimm Fesenmaier In the fall of 1922, when Albert Einstein's Nobel Prize in Physics was announced, the already-famous physicist was on a...
Zahi Hawass Is Back...temporarily
After being abruptly sacked in an overhaul of the country's cabinet, Zahi Hawass has been reinstated, but only temporarily. "The Fall of Zahi Hawass" Removed as minister of antiquities, the high profile archaeologist no longer holds the keys to 5,000...
Woe Is Zahi Hawass...chased In The Streets
"It was a matter of being caught between groups of angry archeologists, since Hawass was chased through the street on Sunday by those who really, really dislike him before his bodyguards could get him into a cab." Here is the latest saga of Zahi Hawass......
James Burnett, Lord Monboddo...eccentric With Strange Ideas
[On the right.] James Burnett, Lord Monboddo October 25th, 1714 to May 26th, 1799 Scottish jurist and pioneer anthropologist who explored the origins of language and society and in some respects anticipated principles of Darwinian evolution. In his...