Beard or No Beard?
When the President-Elect named New Mexico Governor and former Presidential candidate Bill Richardson to be the next Commerce Secretary, important questions crucial to the future of the nation like what kind of dog the Obamas will adopt got moved to a back seat. At the press conference announcing his selection, Fox News reporter Wendell Goler asked the Governor, "What happened to the beard, sir?"
Knowing that the buck stops with him, the Presedient-Elect stepped up and said,
"I'm going to answer this question about the beard. I think it was a mistake for him to get rid of it. I think that whole Western, rugged look was really working for him. For some reason, maybe because it was scratchy when he kissed his wife, he was forced to get rid of it. But, we're deeply dissapointed with the loss of the beard."
No, this is not from the
So, today's question, Bill Richardson...beard or no beard?

Happy Halloween
My Fellow Comedists, In our efforts to be environmentally friendly, it's probably worth recycling this one: I love Halloween because I love clever costumes. My best was in college. My girlfriend wore a blue dress with a ribbon in her straight blond...
When Is Belief In Santa Claus Rational?
We can start from the assertion that anyone older than 18 cannot rationally believe in the existence of Santa. Is it ever rational? For a five year old, you have a number of ways of acquiring this as a reasonable belief. First, there is a seemingly legitimate...
Pity Party: Who Do You Feel Sorry For Today?
Once again time for a pity party. I feel sorry for Vicki Iseman. I mean if you have to deny sleeping with someone famous and powerful, don't make it John McCain who looks like your creepy grandfather. I feel sorry for the American Leadership Project,...
Friday Cat Blogging -- Comedist Style
There are many bloggers, led by Atrios, who despite some fascinating commentary and interesting analysis the rest of the week, regularly post pictures of cats on Fridays. I've never been tempted to join the party before, but thanks to brother Hanno...
Happy Halloween
I love Halloween because I love clever costumes. My best was in college. My girlfriend wore a blue dress with a ribbon in her straight blond hair and little black shoes. I wore a white trash bag with yellow, red, and blue dots. We went as Alice and Wonderbread....