Bargaining for Beliefs

There is a scene in Through the Looking Glass in which Alice meets a unicorn who thought humans were fanciful monsters of the imagination. As they confront each other, the unicorn offers Alice a deal,
'if you'll believe in me, I'll believe in you. Is that a bargain?'
A bargain is a contract that both parties have to enter into willingly and with the ability to fulfill their end. Is that the case here? Is belief something we can decide to choose or not? If I offered you $100 to believe in unicorns, is that an arrangement someone could enter into? You could say "I believe in unicorns, but could you choose to really believe? How free are we to determine what we believe?
Is Compulsory Education Granting Or Limiting Autonomy?
It's Einstein's birthday today, a good time to think about one of the Einstein quotations you will find on bumper stickers -- "Imagination is more important than knowledge." We have a senior major considering the argument that children have a...
Is Stress A Choice?
Interesting question popped up in a conversation last night and wondered what you folks thought about it. Is stress a choice? Do you choose to be stressed out by something or is it something that is not a matter of one's own control? We can practice...
The Ethics Of The Scam
Confused, Maybe Not clued me in to this article about an atheist run company that contracts with Christians to take care of their beloved pets after they a raptured away. When the end times comes, who will be around to take care of Fido and Fluffy? For...
The Red King's Dream
In Through the Looking Glass, Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee show Alice the sleeping Red King and tell her that she is merely a part of his dream. `It's only the Red King snoring,' said Tweedledee. `Come and look at him!' the brothers cried,...
Lewis Carroll Fun
"Nearly Deafened And Disoriented, Alice Is Besieged By The Carcophonic Chaos Of Fifty Two Mischievous Playing Cards"--Mercury "Alice In Wonderland: An Interactive Adventure" "Alice's Maze" Lewis Carroll’s Puzzle Page ...