Another Teabagging Bimbo Flunks American History

Did I miss something here? Has it become official policy for teabagging conservatives (like Michelle Bachmann this time) to either distort or be ignorant of basic American history? I can understand if ordinary Americans don't really know their own history, but those who run for office and feel themselves qualified to make decisions for the rest of us should really get an education (based on facts, not on what fantasies Glenn Beck and other douchebags make) before they start pontificating and making complete asses of themselves.
And if they really do know their history, and still make these assertions, I'm not sure they could escape the condemnation of racism and bigotry that's already associated with them.
I know these people are obsessed with wanting to seem patriotic, but loving your country doesn't mean being in denial about its past blunders; it means doing your best to overcome that shady past and turn the country into the ideal you'd like it to be.
Anderson Cooper may have been pwned by a bonobo, but he won't be fooled by Bachmann, and that probably tells you something about the difference in intelligence levels we're dealing with here...
And how come all the hotties happen to be Republican and dumber than a retarded dodo bird? My penis is getting really confused here!
The Value Of Ethnic Studies
As if Arizona had not done enough with it's anti-immigrant law has now passed another law making it illegal to teach ethnic studies. African American Studies and especially Latino/a Studies are impermissible because giving attention to the lived experiences...
Hanno On Kerry
From Hanno: The latest flap over John Kerry is solid bullshit and it amazes me how the Republican party can take absolutely nothing, turn it into a political issue, and have the press run with it. Kerry said "You know, education -- if you make the most...
Rick Santorum's Insane Conspiracy Theories
Where do the Republicans find these inept, ignoramus candidates? Did someone lose a bet? First it was Sarah Palin, then they came up with Michelle Bachmann, then Rick Perry and Herman Cain... and now the new kid in town seems to be education-phobe Rick...
Morbid Curiosity Leading Many Voters To Support Palin
I know she's not running now... my hopes for a 2012 Palin/Bachmann dream team ticket have now been ruined, but I wouldn't be surprised if we somehow managed to vote her in just out of a morbid sense of curiosity to see just how bad things could...
Jon Stewart Nails Glenn Beck
I don't know if you've had the patience to watch Glenn Beck make a complete ass of himself during the past year with his dramatic accusations, preposterous associations, exaggerations, inventions, convulsions, fear mongering, crying, non-sequiturs,...