Animated Fibonacci Sculptures

Animated Fibonacci Sculptures

When math is expressed aesthetically, and when art is expressed with the precision and rigor of math, things are bound to look stunning and inspiring. If you haven't checked out Vi Hart's amazing little doodles on the Fibonacci series, or the incredible animation Nature by Numbers, you need to go and check those out right now.

To add to that little collection of awesomeness, today we have a series of sculptures inspired by the Fibonacci sequence (or what ultimately amounts to the same, by the Golden Ratio). To produce this amazing sequence, the artist, John Edmark, synchronized things so that a strobe light would flash every time the sculpture rotated 137.5º?yes, precisely the golden angle. The final result, as you're about to see, is nothing short of spectacular and mesmerizing...

And if rotating animations are your thing, you could do worse than to check out and be hypnotized by the cyclotrope.

- Doodling In Math - Spirals, Fibonacci And Plants - 3
Ok, so now that you've learned how the beauty and elegance of the golden ratio and Fibonacci sequence are instantiated all over the natural world (parts 1 and 2), you're probably wowing all your friends and thinking this is the coolest thing ever......

- Doodling In Math - Spirals, Fibonacci And Plants - 2
This girl is so cool I may soon have to create a tag on this blog just for her awesomeness. Last time we saw her, she gave us a nice introduction to how the Fibonacci sequence can give rise to the kinds and numbers of spirals we find in many plants. Now,...

- Bach Visualized Through Math
You've no doubt heard the claim that some of the greatest musicians of all time had an intuitive sense for mathematical proportion and harmony. It's no coincidence, for instance, that the musical scale was invented by that most eccentric of mathematicians,...

- Nature By Numbers - Fibonacci And The Golden Ratio
Among the pre-Socratics, it was Pythagoras who hypothesized that the most basic constituent of the universe wasn't some material substance but rather numbers. The idea must have seemed strange to most of his contemporaries, but over two thousands...

- Mother Nature's Fractals
This variant form of cauliflower is the ultimate fractal vegetable. Its pattern is a natural representation of the Fibonacci or golden spiral, a logarithmic spiral where every quarter turn is farther from the origin by a factor of phi, the golden ratio....

