All Tipping All The Time

All Tipping All The Time

For whatever reason, few posts at the Playground generate as many comments as those on tipping. One post that has disappeared from the front page continues to generate discussion, so let's bring it back.

Hanno asks a question that we've wrestled with at home. Do you tip if your service is provided by the owner? Our context was a haircut for TheWife who was styled by the salon's owner. She tipped the woman who washed her hair, but was unsure about tipping the owner. The discussion around tipping generally turns on the low wages paid to service workers by the owners, but what if the worker is the owner? Does it matter what kind of establishment it is, that is, what variety of of service you've received ? Is a hairstylist different from our favorite restaurant where the owner waits tables (and is the single best waiter we've ever had bar none -- we do always tip him)?

- What If Mom And Pop Are Jerks?
The kids had outgrown their bikes and TheWife was determined that we would get bikes as well so that we could have regular family rides, so we're in the process of buying new bikes. We went to our local bike shop and bought models that we could have...

- We're Four! It's Our Blogiversary
Today the Philosopher's Playground turns four years old. We've had 1278 posts to bat around (at least three or four of them were goods one, too) and almost a quarter of a million hits. I want to thank all of you who have come out to play, whether...

- Iethics
Guest post from C.Ewing today: Let us say that we have a person H. Person H happens to posses a wondrous technological device, which for any given morally pertinent situation will provide the proper steps/actions to resolve the situation/dilemma/problem...

- A Gratuitous Question About Gratuities
So I am in Lake Charles, Louisiana to give a talk tonight about Einstein and the wonderful lecture series folks have provided me with a very posh room at a hotel in town. I go down stairs for breakfast yesterday morning when the woman at the cash register...

- Another Tipping Question
A question from C. Ewing: Let us assume that you frequent a local establishment at least once, sometimes twice a work week. You tend to get the same waitress fairly frequently since your break coincides with her shift. She's always a quite capable...

