A Horror Flick With Plenty of Gore

A Horror Flick With Plenty of Gore

Saw An Inconvenient Truth last night. Amazing film. One thing baffled me, though. Al Gore kept talking about climate change as a moral issue -- I thought morality just meant protecting marriage from gay people.

- Two Quoque: Tag Teaming A Discussion About Ad Hominem Attacks
Hanno sent me this: The "Tennessee Center for Policy Research," a self-described research organization for policy solutions through free markets, has put out a now famous press release attacking Al Gore's energy use. The press release is as follows:...

- Al Gore: The Modern Day Otto Neurath
Watching Al Gore's powerpoint presentation in An Inconvenient Truth reminded me of Otto Neurath's isotype in the first half of the 20th century. Neurath is one of those "smartest people you've never heard of" folks. He claimed to have read...

- "chicken Little" Stands To Make Big Bucks
One wonders if this wasn't a well-planned scheme to make a lot of money...advocate global warming, invest in "green" enterprises, wait for government stimulus, rake in the "greenbacks". "Gore’s Dual Role in Spotlight: Advocate and Investor" by...

- Al Gore And "global Warming" Poll
Was Al Gore's "Chicken Little" position on global climate warming erroneous? Yes...6 No...4 Sure it was erroneous. Hype, fear mongering, a demonstration of bad science and logic, and big profits for Mr. Gore--and an unwarranted Nobel Peace Prize...

- "al Gore's Environment Perspective" Poll
Do you believe in Al Gore's environmental perspective? Yes...2 No...3 Partially...2 I am not going to go into the Gore/global warming issue. I have my perspective and stated it elsewhere at the this blog and frankly, I become bored with all of the...

