A fictional tale? Or something more?

A fictional tale? Or something more?

Nick LaClair
Comparative Philosophy
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith clearly illustrates the scenario of the transformation of a democratic man to a tyrannical man. Even tough hard to believe to many hardcore fans, as many Star Wars fans view the film as an attraction of the imagination, it symbolizes much more of what could happen throughout our political system of the United States. From the first reactions of Anakin Skywalker that seemed tyrannical, which stemmed from his desire for revenge in Episode two when he slaughtered the village which kidnapped his mother, the democracy and aristocracy in him seemed to slowly disintegrate. His emotions seemed to escalate to the point where they were used as power, when his emotions ran out of control making it impossible for him to make the logical decision. His emotions and mind was then molded to become tyrannical by the very man he has always admired.

As we see in Episode III the senate and the Republic falls. All democracy known to the universe has disappeared when the corruption of one individual rises to control the chosen one, Anakin Skywalker. This action represents the corruption mentioned in Plato, which will eventually push the political system into the series of cycles. The actions of the tyrannical men of Episode III pushes the Republic into a tyrannical state, named ?The Empire?. The executive branch of the republic eventually causes this action, where a member of the executive branch (Emperor Palpetine) gets even more power by a means of national security. The situation against the evil of the universe and their creation of the deathstar must be acted upon, as immediate emergency powers are given to one corrupted individual Emperor Palpetine. These powers are than given from somewhat an uneducated and clumsy individual named Jarjar Binks in Episode II when the Emperor claims he is to use this power to create a grand army of the Republic. This is exactly what the corrupted emperor wanted. By being given this authority, he had control over the army, and over the senate. He used the army to turn against the Jedi slaying virtually all of them making it easier to begin the transition into an empire, or a government of tyranny.

This situation can also be considered possible for the U.S., as corruption could exist in the most unexpected places similar to in Episode III when the true identity of the Sith is revealed to the Jedi. Today we see multiple members of the executive branch, instead of just Palpetine, that are very able to perform a similar action of tyranny. The scenario of a ruler requesting emergency powers as a means of national security seems as more of a hint shown by George Lucas of what could be possible of our political system in the future instead of just a fictional battle of good vs. evil.

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