A beauty and a geek

A beauty and a geek

Well, this a surprise. You are familiar with Anne Hathaway...Brokeback Mountain, Becoming Jane, and upcoming Alice in Wonderland [March 2010]. It was revealed that she is a closet geek...especially physics.

contactmusic.com wrote:


Hollywood actress ANNE HATHAWAY is a secret geek - she spends her spare time studying physics.

The Devil Wears Prada beauty admits she shuns fashion magazines and instead stocks up on books by legendary scientist Albert Einstein and physics textbooks in a bid to better understand the universe.

She tells Britain's GQ magazine, "I'm interested in elementary particles. What I like thinking about is how time and space exist in the universe and how we understand it. Any spare time I have, I bury my head in a physics textbook. I'm learning. I'm reading a lot about Einstein. I like theories. I want to understand string theory. I am dying for someone to explain quarks to me!"

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