Here Are A Few Anaglyph Images. They Do Require Those Special Red/Blue Glasses. Here Are A Few Internet Sources. They Can Be Purchased At Hobby And Toy Stores Too.3D ANAGLYPH GLASSES
The 3D Market
Spencer Sundell's 3D Movie Page

Anaglyph images are used to provide a stereoscopic 3D effect, when viewed with 2 color glasses (each lens a different color). Images are made up of two color layers, superimposed, but offset with respect to each other to produce a depth effect. Usually the main subject is in the center, while the foreground and background are shifted laterally in opposite directions. The picture contains two differently filtered colored images, one for each eye. When viewed through the "color coded" "anaglyph glasses", they reveal an integrated stereoscopic image. The visual cortex of the brain fuses this into perception of a three dimensional scene or composition.Viewing anaglyphs through appropriately colored glasses results in each eye seeing a slightly different picture. In a red-blue anaglyph, for instance, the eye covered by the red filter sees the red parts of the image as "white", and the blue parts as "black" (with the brain providing some adaption for color); the eye covered by the blue filter perceives the opposite effect. True white or true black areas are perceived the same by each eye. The brain blends together the image it receives from each eye, and interprets the differences as being the result of different distances. This creates a normal stereograph image without requiring the viewer to cross his or her eyes.--Wikipedia
Favorite Colors
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"irradiation" Illusion
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A Colorful Day On July 8th, 1908--kinemacolor
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Blue Moon
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