"Would you be prepared to survive a nuclear Winter?" poll

"Would you be prepared to survive a nuclear Winter?" poll

Would you be prepared to survive a nuclear Winter?



I wouldn't...and who would want to?

"'Nuclear winter' may kill more than a nuclear war"

"Nuclear winter: science and politics"

"What would nuclear winter be like?"

- When It Says Libby, Libby, Libby
on the label, label, label, you subvert justice, justice, justice under the table, table, table Boy, I feel old. I remember the days when a member of the executive branch (anyone else remember when there was an executive branch to our government?) lying...

- Nuclear Event Poll
Could you survive a nuclear event of devastating proportions? No...0 Yes...1 Wouldn't want to...5 I bet the one who voted yes is under 40. Survival would be difficult. Better to cash in the chips....

- Japan's Power Thirst Will Necessitate 14 Nuclear Power Plants
Is this really a wise decision? "Japan planning 14 nuclear plants: report" March 21st, 2010 Nuclear Power Daily Resource-poor Japan is planning to build at least 14 nuclear power plants over the next 20 years to reduce its reliance on other countries...

- "favorite Season" Poll
Favorite season... Spring...1 Summer...0 Autumn...1 Winter...0 How fortunate the Earth is to experience seasonal changes--thanks to the Moon and Sun. Deprived are the citizens that live in polar and equatorial regions that don't experience seasonal...

- Fermi Neutron Physics--british Nuclear Programs
The history of physics is fascinating and many times more understandable than the physics. Such was the attempted goal of the United States...to dominate post war nuclear physics...and it didn't work. S. Espositi's paper... Abstract: A novel...

