"The Scientist"...limited time to access archives

"The Scientist"...limited time to access archives

POSP stringer Tim brought this to my attention. This is a limited time offer so act quickly and download what you like.

The Archives are OPEN to EVERYONE!

For a limited time, The Scientist has opened its premium content to all of our readers. Dating back to 1986, our archives contain over 15,000 articles from 23+ years of issues.

The Scientist archives

- Help Digitize A Century Of Astronomy Photographic Glass Plates
"Help This Astronomer Digitize 100 Years of Irreplaceable Space Photos" Now, the historic astronomy images are on glass plates in a building. But what if they were digital and on the internet? by Lindsey Kratochwill November 11th, 2013 Popular Science...

- Greed...the New York Times
A small notice placed in the upper right hand section of the online paper...A Change to Free Monthly AccessBeginning in April, nonsubscribers will have access to 10 free articles per month on NYTimes.com instead of 20. ----------Why is The Times changing...

- "open Access" Issue Again
J. Harnad's article, "Approaches to Open Access in Scientific Publishing" raises the old issues concerning scientific articles being made available to all. The usual complaint, by the journals, is that they cannot cover costs and make money and that...

- "watch Mr. Wizard"--1954 Episode
As you recall, Mr. Wizard [Don Herbert] passed away last year and left, no doubt, an entourage of scientists behind. Things were, in retrospect, sillier and simpler back in the 1950s but nevertheless periodically offered science venues via the new medium...

- An Unfulflled Wish
Lithograph by Emil Orlik, 1928 Image © The Albert Einstein Archives The Jewish National & University Library The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel In 1954 Albert Einstein wrote: Human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part...

