"Read the ancients" poll

"Read the ancients" poll

Have you read the ancients...either literature, philosophy, or science?


If you haven't read the ancients, then you are really missing a rich heritage of the sciences, philosophy, and arts. Go to the library [or on line] and check out Plato, Aristotle, Sophocles, Pythagoras, or Aristophanes. You will be surprised how relevant they can be...from what makes us laugh, or cry, or understand democracy, or be exposed to geometry, or understand ourselves.

- Human Nature And Political Legitimacy
From ancient times, and well beyond them, the roots of justification for political authority were inescapably tied to outlooks on human nature. In The Republic, Plato declared that the ideal society would be run by a council of philosopher-kings, since...

- Science, Philosophy, Cosmology
Cosmology is the attempt to understand in scientific terms the structure and evolution of the universe as a whole. This ambition has been with us since the ancient Greeks, even if the developments in modern cosmology have provided a picture of the universe...

- Jay Kennedy's Plato Interpretation
This has been circulating for about a week or so. I don't think much of it, but read the introduction and then visit his website. "Secret ancient code, basis of all modern civilisation, cracked" 'As big as Jesus' diary' claims ex IT-guy...

- Josh And Brian "sci-phi" Blog
Sci-PhiA most interesting blog. As stated... Sci-Phi is an interdisciplinary blog that looks at the scientific and philosophical topics of the early 21st century. Josh studies biological sciences, with a future in nanomedicine. He covers all science topics,...

- "waiting For Godot"...er, I Mean Mccain
Roger Ebert Barack Obama has replied to submitted questions on science by Sciencedebate.com over two weeks ago but McCain has yet to respond and there are just fifty or so days until the election. It would be relevant to read his opinions. I suppose...

