"Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives"--YAWN

Hugh Everett IIINovember 11th, 1930 to July 19th, 1982 Yawn. "Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives"...better than Sominex. Hugh Everett III's contribution to theoretical physics was minimally obligatory and I suppose the purpose was to discuss relationships [father/son] rather than discuss science.Hugh Everett IIIBIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH of HUGH EVERETT, III"Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives"...NOVA offering
For all the far-fetched theoretical physicists...event in a parallel universe?...
10^10^16 Parallel Universes...theoretical Physics Run Amuck
I don't buy this at all. "Over the past few decades, the idea that our universe could be one of many alternate universes within a giant multiverse has grown from a sci-fi fantasy into a legitimate theoretical possibility. Several theories of physics...
Quantum Physics "smackdown" In South San Francisco
Most interesting. Who is Jason Everett Keller? What was the crux of the argument? Such passionate arguments among the homeless. "Physics discussion ends in skateboard attack" by Henry K. Lee June 25th, 2009 San Francisco Chronicle A homeless man is...
"pbs Science Programs" Poll
Do you watch PBS science programs? Yes...2 No...0 Sometimes...3 PBS is probably the most common source of science programs with free access. For the most part they are informative and thoughtful. Two recent good programs were "Absolute Zero" and "The...
"theoretical Physics...good Epistemology?" Poll
How much epistemological relevance is there in theoretical physics being that it favors philosophy more than empirical science? A lot...2 Some...1 None...2 I am not the only one who has raised this has Steven Weinberg who clearly states...