"Orphan or designer" drug poll

Should "orphan or designer" drugs be manufactured and made available to those who suffer rare diseases?Yes...3No...0I think it is an ethical imperative for the megadollar drug companies to perform research and development and distribution of "orphan or designer" drugs for the treatment and quality of life improvement of those stricken with rare diseases; they have the resources and it is their moral obligation to cure or ease suffering.
4-20: What Is A Drug And How Ought We Deal With Them?
One of the comics last night had a great line. He said a friend told him that doing drugs would catch up with him, so he decided to start doing speed. 4-20 seems as good a time as any to think about drug policy. We draw a distinction on the one hand between...
Unintelligent Design - The Giraffe's Laryngeal Nerve
The complexity and intricacy of the bodies of living organisms seems like the epitome of science and art coming together in an explosion of perfection. But that appearance is deceiving, and it has given rise to the popular but erroneous belief that such...
Go Ask Alice And Try Some Drugs
"A Psychedelic Anti-Drug Film From 1971 That Made Drugs Look Pretty Fun" by Rebecca Onion Slate In this film made by the National Institute of Mental Health in 1971 and meant for use with 8- to 10-year-old students, Alice takes a psychedelic trip through...
Drug-resistant Bacteria...pathway To Man's Demise?
The Lachuguilla cave system, where scientists discovered antibiotic-resistant bacteria, is part of Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico. Above, an explorer admires the the Selenite Chandelier display in Carlsbad Caverns."Drug-Resistant Bacteria...
Cultural Crossover When It Comes To Commerce
"Japanese philosophy rules Indian ramp"byAditi CaroliFebruary 16th, 2012Hindustan TimesIndian fashion being inspired by Japanese philosophy sounds a little absurd. However, designer Anand Kabra made it possible on Day One of the Wills Lifestyle India...