"Forbidden Planet"...opened on this date in 1956
Forbidden Planet was probably one of the finest science fiction films made and was released to the theaters March 15th, 1956.Bill Ashworth wrote in the Linda Hall Library Newsletter...The film Forbidden Planet was released on Mar. 15, 1956. This was (arguably, of course) the greatest science fiction movie produced before 2001: A Space Odyssey, in 1968. It had a first rate cast, with Leslie Nielsen, Anne Francis, and Walter Pidgeon; an interesting story line; first rate special effects; full-color CinemaScope; with an unusual electronic score, composed by Louis and Bebe Barron. And, of course, there was Robbie the Robot, a seven-foot tall, whirring and clicking mechanical charmer who was the first in a long line of loveable screen robots. He was named after a short story by Isaac Asimov....Now, above and below is my collection of lobby cards and promotional stills...all 38 items plus the theatrical trailer.

Pulp Scifi Online
They are getting rare, expensive, and quite fragile. Here is a large assortment for reading online or download. [NOTE: Some of the files have been expurgated for copyright reasons.] Amazing Science Fiction Stories, Volume 15, Number 11, November 1941...
Deceased--anne Francis
Anne Francis September 16th, 1930 to January 2nd, 2011 "Anne Francis dies at 80; costarred in the 1950s science-fiction classic 'Forbidden Planet'" A shapely blond with a beauty mark next to her lower lip, the New York native also played the title...
"naming Pluto"...a Film Review
Venetia Burney Phair "How an Oxford schoolgirl came to name planet Pluto" by Thom Airs April 24th, 2009 Oxford Mail THE story of how an 11-year-old Oxford schoolgirl named the planet Pluto is explored in a new documentary which premiered in the city...
"enjoyment Of Sci-fi In The Media?" Poll
Do you enjoy science fiction via books, cinema, television? Yes....2 [66%] No....1 [33%] What can I say... Forbidden Planet 1956 Rodan 1956 It Came from Outer Space 1953 "A Trip To The Planets" Bill Nye "The Science Guy"..."Stargate Atlantis"...
Uranus Was Discovered Today In 1781
The butt of many jokes. William Herschel--using a far better telescope than Galileo's--discovered a new planet. He himself called it "George", after the king of England, but everyone else prefered "Uranus", which was the name that eventually prevailed.--Bill...