"Fate/luck" poll

"Fate/luck" poll

Do you believe in fate or luck?


If you are having a streak of good luck, you don't want to rock the boat and express disbelief...kind of like Pascal's Wager. Sometimes you are in the right place at the right time and good things happen but the "money in the mailbox" idea is wishful thinking...although it does work good with cat treats.

- Best Potluck Dish
Off today to the kids' end of school year picnic at a park near their school. It is pot luck, although different grades get assigned different courses. This year, we are desserts, so I worked up pina colada and black forest trifles. I find trifles...

- Marriage And Metaphysics
Today is my anniversary. Interestingly, it is also TheWife's anniversary. We did that on purpose in order to make it easier to remember. The story of our meeting is long, but suffice it to say that despite living quite far from each other, over the...

- Moral Luck And The Division Of Moral Labor
Ethicists think about a notion termed "moral luck." The idea is that histoical accidents often play into what responsibilities we have. Two people are walking past different swimming pools, one has a drowning child and one doesn't. Both people were...

- Pascal's Wager - Betting On Infinity
Blaise Pascal is, in my mind at least, almost always a mixed bag. Many of the thoughts he expressed in his appropriately titled book, Pensées, are decidedly parochial and antiquated, but for all that, it's also quite impressive to see how far ahead...

- The Eternal Insurance Policy?
Blaise Pascal June 19th, 1623 to August 19th, 1662 Pascal's Wager [Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy] Pascal's Wager [Wikipedia] Pascal's Wager about God [The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy] Blaise Pascal [Wikipedia]...

