"Doctor Atomic"

"Those who most long for peace now pour their lives on war."
Kitty Oppenheimer [played by Sasha Cooke]
Okay, opera is not for car crashes, no superheroes fighting a city's evil elements, no computer graphic images but it does have tragedy and much introspection and I suspect that the current production of "Doctor Atomic" is dripping with personal angst...existential dilemmas--annihilation of thousands of humans. "The Terror and Attraction of Science, Put to Song"
Placebos And Autonomy
A new study finds that about half of American doctors prescribe placebos for their patients. In order for the placebo effect to work, the patient must believe that the prescribed treatment is generally effective, something the doctor knows to be false....
"pbs Science Programs" Poll
Do you watch PBS science programs? Yes...2 No...0 Sometimes...3 PBS is probably the most common source of science programs with free access. For the most part they are informative and thoughtful. Two recent good programs were "Absolute Zero" and "The...
"the Trials Of J. Robert Oppenheimer"
Coming Monday, January 26th on PBS's American Experience..."The Trials of J. Robert Oppenheimer". PBS: The Trials of J. Robert Oppenheimer (2 hours) Robert Oppenheimer's life and legacy are inextricably linked to America's most famous top-secret...
"doctor Atomic"...revisionism Of Science History
Oh my, I don't think opera will be same again. It is a delight to see the tremendous ethical issues involved in the production and deployment of a nuclear weapon. Atonement for such decisions is inevitable and this particular event will be debated...
"doctor Atomic"...a Reminder
Just a reminder that this evening on PBS's Great Performances at the Met the new opera "Doctor Atomic" will be performed. "Doctor Atomic"--Great Performances at the Met...