XUMP--online "science toys"

XUMP--online "science toys"

I have searched the Internet and have found a wide selection of "science toys" at XUMP covering astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, and physics. Many novelty items including posters. And there are holiday sale prices. There is a handy search engine for search selections. Check out XUMP.


- Way To Go Tesco
"Tesco keeps chemistry set as a boys' toy despite protests"  by Charlie Cooper May 5th, 2013 The Independent Tesco has defended its decision to label a children’s chemistry set a boys’ toy, despite criticism from gender equality campaigners....

- Your Science "interest[s]" Poll
Your science interest[s] Astronomy...3 Biology...1 Chemistry...1 Geology...1 Physics...2 Other...1...

- "chemistry Or Physics Set In Your Past" Poll
Did you have a chemistry or physics set in your past? Yes...3 No...1 Not quite the same as the old days. Tis a pity for the one who voted "No"...missed opportunity to experiment beyond the manual: Obnoxious odors, explosive gasses, acid/alkali burns,...

- Physics Central's Toys/physics Contest
Toys...physics...trophy...$l,000--WHAT A DEAL. Physics Central, a subdivision of the American Physical Society is sponsoring a contest. Like tossing yo-yos? Ever wanted to unravel the mystery of the drinking bird? Then the Toy Box Physics video contest...

- Science Toys
Never too old to have some fun with science toys. "Science toys" Tim Rowett is an avid collector of science-related toys. Robert P Crease and son drop in to play with them. by Robert P Crease January 5th, 2009 physicsworld.com "I have a low boredom...

