When It Says Libby, Libby, Libby

When It Says Libby, Libby, Libby

on the label, label, label,
you subvert justice, justice, justice
under the table, table, table

Boy, I feel old. I remember the days when a member of the executive branch (anyone else remember when there was an executive branch to our government?) lying to a grand jury and obstructing justice served to undermine the entire rule of law and remove the possibility of a functioning government. I guess there's some sort of difference I don't quite get between blowing the cover of a CIA agent protecting us against nuclear proliferation and blowing the President.

And doesn't it seem like just a few years ago when the possibility of a Middle Eastern nation acquiring nuclear weapons (or were those nucular weapons?) was so incredibly dire a situation that it warranted a pre-emptive invasion. Yet now, making it easier for easier for a Middle Eastern country to get nuclear weapons is so trivial that one deserves less jail time than Paris Hilton.

For the times they are a changin'.

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