WEEK TWO: Natural Philosophy

WEEK TWO: Natural Philosophy

The film asks what is real. When we observe objects you do not sufficiently define it because we do not fully understand it. As the film states, we are "invariably altering what we are examining." We form our own opinions that differs from others of what we are seeing because we have different perceptions.
As time goes on, knowledge on matter will improve. "Nature reacts to our measuring devices." Our measuring devices alters what we see. So, this begs the question, "is what we are seeing real?"

The quantum theory states that something can be in two states at once. When you make a measurement of the object, you find out the state. We do not know whats in a can of soup until it is opened. There might not be soup in it. You do not find out until you open it.
The text asks, "does the moon exist of nobody is looking at it?" The quantum theory states "there is no reality beyond what we observe, so in principle things don't exist unless they are being measured." So, do you exist if you are not being observed? The quantum theory makes you beg a lot of questions. Two questions no one can truly answer: "What is truly real? And how do we know?"

According to the law of physics, the order of events can happen in reverse. Why does things unfold in one direction? That is a good question. How come we do not live life in reverse. Why does everything cause and effect, not the opposite? That is a question we may never know. According to the film, we can not ask why things happen this or that way, we just have to accept that is how the world works.
Brian Greene states in the film, we have all been deceived. The theory that our universe is the only universe that exists might be wrong. According to recent research, there is more evidence there are more than one universe. Space seems limitless. There has to be more universes out there. Why does our universe have to be the only one. Only time will tell if there is more than one universe.

Website that relates: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/01/100112165249.htm

The string theory was created to combine all the laws into a theory of everything. The strings' vibrations create small particles such as electrons and photons. The string theory states there are at least ten dimensions. The extra dimensions, according to Greene, can be hidden in plain sight. To us, an electrical power cable looks like a one-dimensional line from a distance. To an ant crawling on the cable, it has a extra,circular dimension, which we can not see from a distance.
The theory still needs work. There should be only one version of the theory, not five. In my opinion, the theory has a strong point. It is true that things do not look as dimensional from a distance. However, there is no proof whether or not strings are real or not. When scientists prove there are strings, the theory will have more support.

Eliminative materialism is a better way to understand things than to blame why things happen on Gods and spirits. If the phenomenon can not be explained with math, scientists go through a list of other ways to explain before they simply state "God did it." If scientists did not not take that route, we would not have known about evolution. We would only have the theory that God created everything. And, we came from Adam and Eve.
Eliminative Materialism eliminates the theory of mythology. Today, we understand why we get sick. We do not get sick because of spirits; we become ill from bacteria. We would still believe that little ghosts circulate through our body. In reality, the nervous system in our body causes sensations. Eliminative Materialism allows the world to have a better understand of why things are this or that way.

The film gives the viewers a little chemistry lesson. It goes over electrons and protons. Opposites do attract. Protons are only attracted to electrons. And when the two connect, they create an atom. And, atoms are the basis of everything in this universe. Without protons and electrons, we would not exist.
Atoms are not mentioned in religion. The theory of atoms being the basis of everything goes against religion because God created everything, not protons and electrons.
Related Website: http://web.jjay.cuny.edu/~acarpi/NSC/3-atoms.htm
Related Videos: http://www.youtube.com/watcPublish Posth?v=HWPug5adkUA&feature=related

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