Topics That Shock Classes
My favorite Doonesbury is this one.

My philosophy of science class last week made me think of it. Not because they are passionless note-scribblers, quite the opposite. It's a wonderfully lively bunch. But then we hit Hume's problem of induction and Goodman's grue paradox and they went absolutely bananas. Hume doesn't usually get the hackles up, but grue always does. Man, students HATE that argument...always gets them riled up.
My question is what else in your experience has this effect? What as a student just charged you up? What as a teacher do you find gets your students loud and passionate?
Auto Mechanics To Quantum Mechanics: Any Questions?
It's been a while and in honor of the start of classes... I have a schtick I do at the beginning of every class where I let my students ask me absolutely any question they have, any question at all, as I say, from auto mechanics to quantum mechanics....
David Hume
(1711-1776) The Scottish philosopher David Hume is one of the most brilliant and skeptical of philosophers. Our ideas of epistemology would have been very different had Hume not been born. He developed empiricist philosophy to its logical zenith and challenged...
Lecture 3 - David Hume And The Problem Of Induction
Look at Newton's cradle on the right and ask yourself this question: what justification do you have for thinking that it will continue to behave in the future the way it has behaved in the past? This is not something you know a priori, through pure...
John Stuart Mill's Methods Of Induction
If you're familiar with the name, then you probably know that the 19th century British philosopher John Stuart Mill is primarily famous for his work on the ethical theory of utilitarianism. What you may not know, however, is that this young and prolific...
Three Minute Philosophy - David Hume
There are many many reasons to like philosophy, but if I had to settle on just one, I would probably have to say that what I love about it is its inherent playful ability to turn the conventional wisdom of our time and what seems intuitively obvious into...