The Night Before Christmas, Ninja Edition

Gather round as Grandpa Ninja recounts the classic tale of The Night Before Christmas, except this version includes the brutal murder of the narrator and his wife at the claws and hooves of Santa and his deadly paindeer :)
Too bad he didn't wait until NORAD took care of Santa. Merry Christmas!
Merry (sorta) Christmas
We wish a chappy Chanukkah to all our Jewish playfriends and a merry Christmas to all our Christian playfriends...well, sort of a merry Christmas. Astronomers are now saying that Christmas, the day of Jesus' birth is not December 25th, but June 17th....
Christmas And A War---nearly 100 Years Ago
From the Harper's archives... The following is a true tale. This is not a thing heard of and lightly repeated and half believed, but witnessed in these late years by living eyes, and, in the second case, by my own. . . . December 18–19, 1914, was...
Santa Confirms Pluto As A Planet
Excerpt from an interview... "Pluto... now that's the one that really interests me. It's the most distant planet by far, 39 times farther from the Sun than Earth. It takes 247 Earth years to go around the Sun just once. Think of it -- only one...
"sock" It To Me Christmas
The customary "Christmas stocking"--never knew this: What a delightful tale and significance of an orange placed in the toe of a sock. In this political season polls and focus groups seem to be all the rage. It is a trend that isn't lost on us here...
Good Holiday Spirit To All--2008
OXFORD LOOK-ALIKE Christmas pudding and social comment--George Orwell Which Christmas tree is "greener"--ask Lassie Christmas 2008 Things of Christmas ...