The Innies/Outies Ratio

The Innies/Outies Ratio

The conversation turned to belly buttons yesterday and relative proportion of innies to outies in the population at large. The entire family is comprised of innies which seemed to give anecdotal evidence to the claim that most people are innies. How great is the disparity? I've been able to find no good data. So, how many of each are among this community. Let me be clear that this is indeed a safe space for outies, so please do not hesitate to out yourself if your navel is already out as well.

As a left-hander, I know that righties often don't understand what it is like to be left-handed in a right-handed world. Walk into a college classroom, for example, and the desks are almost entirely right-handed which makes you sit funny and have to crane your neck. Are there similar parts of life as an outie that us innies never considered?

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