The Cultural Meaning of Physics

The Cultural Meaning of Physics

I was talking with an administrator the other day who was commenting that incoming students who tend to be more intellectual tend to put down physics as a potential major more than other natural sciences. I know it attracted me as well, even when I couldn't exactly say why. What is it about physics that has become iconic for smart? Is it that it was the field of study of Einstein who is our personification of smart? Is it that it asks the big questions, fundamental questions that seem as much philosophy as science? Is it that we use "rocket science" as the epitome? Is it that we brought in physicists for the atomic bomb and moon shot? Is it that physics classes in high school or college are harder than other classes? Ia it the role it has played historically in defining our place in the universe? Is it the way relativity and quantum theory are so tantalizingly absurd, yet universally successful? Why physics of all fields of study?

- Why Do We Love Einstein?
Today is Einstein's birthday and as I put the finishing touches on the manuscript, Einstein's Jewish Science: Physics at the Intersection of Politics and Religion, I am thinking about the question in the last chapter -- why do we love Einstein?...

- Does Learning Science Mean Doing Science?
As an undergrad I majored in both philosophy and physics and I have a confession my former physics profs will surely not like -- everything I know about physics, I learned from my theory classes. You see, science classes come in two flavors. There are...

- End Of Physics Degree At Tennessee State University
Well, I suppose this is the smart thing to do and it does affect other programs. "TSU's dumping of physics degree came down to numbers" Program graduated only 23 in 10 years by Jennifer Brooks June 17th, 2011 For Tennessee State...

- Five Years Year Of Physics 2005
The World Year of Physics (WYP 2005) was a worldwide celebration of physics and its importance in our everyday lives. Physics not only plays an important role in the development of science and technology, but also has a tremendous impact on our society....

- "another Einstein?" Poll
Will there ever be an iconic figure like Einstein again? Yes...6 No...1 Perhaps...3 Hard to predict, but I doubt it. Einstein was historically in the right place at the right time. Einstein was part of the Classical Age of Physics, explained a far reaching...

