Social Security Reform Bill Encourages Americans to Live Faster, Die Younger

One thing that has become so crystal clear even the blind can see it, is that while Republicans appeal to American values, love of country, the Founding Fathers and so on, they don't really give a shit about average people like you and me. They are mercenaries who have sold their souls to do the work of greedy multi-billion dollar corporations whose wealth has been built on the backs of ordinary people.
The thing that gets me is not even their misaligned interests, though: it's the dishonesty. So you can imagine how much I would prefer it if they had the balls to try to pass legislation that only The Onion is honest and ballsy enough to propose:
Now that's American! :)
Pity Party
It's been a very long time since we've pulled this one out of moth balls. The question is simple, "Whom do you feel sorry for?" I feel sorry for the Chinese security officer who was in charge of overseeing Chen Guangcheng's house arrest. ...
Irony Can Be So Ironic: Affordable Care Objections
Listening to the arguments from the Supreme Court yesterday, the "irony can be so ironic" file had to be opened wide. When President Obama approached the health care debate, he looked at recent history. Republicans went nuts over "Hilary-care"...
Where Does The United States Stand?
October 30, 2005 Book VIII According to Plato there are five different kinds of governments and they go through a cycle from aristocracy to timocracy then oligarchy then democracy and finally tyranny. He thinks aristocracy is the best kind of government,...
Dan Ariely - The Truth About Dishonesty
If I were to ask you if you are an honest person, chances are that you'd say yes. Yet, if we look at the details of your everyday behavior with a magnifying glass, we'd most likely discover all sorts of ways in which you lie, cheat and steal,...
Immigrants For Sale
One of the problems with a free market is that when the market is the ultimate decider of values (and doesn't have to answer to anyone), it always decides on the side of profits, regardless of the ethical impact such choices might entail. And when...