So Long to Ya, 2010

Well, dear readers, 2010 is drawing to a close. As you well know, this has been a tough year for lots of people out there. It's also been a difficult year for me personally, but I do hope I've managed to share some interesting material and stimulate your minds in ways that will inspire you to think critically, to find awe in the world around you, and to become a more educated citizen of the world.
Cheers to a happy new year!
Steven Pinker On Taboos, Political Correctness And Dissent
It's Steven Pinker... he's got things to say, and you already know that whether you agree with his views or not, he's always interesting to listen to, and he always manages to stimulate you to think about those interesting things yourself,...
Blog Hiatus
As you probably surmise, dear readers, this blog is a product of love. I firmly believe that exposing others to interesting, challenging and diverse ideas might just be the spark that can inspire someone to pursue any of these questions in more depth....
Philosophy Does Have Value
"Don't scare students off philosophy" Applications to university are on the rise, we're told. But arts and humanities subjects have seen numbers plummet as students are guided towards career-driven options. by Lawrence Wakefield ...
Earth And Asteroid 2010 Tk7
Asteroid 2010 TK7 Earth has been playing "follow the leader" with a trojan asteroid for thousands of years. The first near-Earth object other than the moon to have ever been identified, TK7 shares the same orbit as our planet but about 50 million...
International Year Of Biodiversity 2010
Objective: Raise awareness of the importance of conserving biodiversity for human well-being and promote understanding of the economic value of biodiversity. The UN declared 2010 the International Year of Biodiversity (IYB). Throughout the year countless...