Science - What's It Up To?

Science - What's It Up To?

Science claims to be looking for cures for diseases, save the planet from the multiple dangers that threaten it, and to want to solve and understand the mysteries of the universe, but Aasif Mandvi from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, sat down with a conservative conspiracy theorist bimbo to try to uncover what science is really up to... and discovers instead that you can't underestimate how bat-shit-insane and idiotic you can be when you let your retarded ideology determine the shit that comes out of your mouth...

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
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Wow... and I thought Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann were idiots...

- Colbert And Stewart Disagree On Sugary Drinks Ban
When Mayor Bloomberg announced that he wanted to ban the sale of oversized 16-ounce sugary drinks in NYC, everyone went ape shit. Sure, while the idea to try to force people to become more conscious about choices affecting their own health is well-intentioned,...

- Gop Derp
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- West Bank Story - Challahfax Vs. Halalifax
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- Figures Palin Would Claim It Was A "lame-stream Media Gotcha Moment"
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