Return to the Moon poll

Return to the Moon poll

40 years ago we went to the moon. Should we return?


I won't belabor the point but a trip to the Moon [or anywhere Mars] at this time is just not a good idea. The United States' fiscal crisis cannot warrant such a venture, NASA has some serious economic issues, the methodology of getting there is outdated and risky, and the whole idea of pushing man into space is questionable. It is still a better idea to send satellites and probes. Common sense rules over grandeur of space travel--let the science fiction writers satisfy that need.

- One Way Trip To Mars?
What an absurd idea. This quest for man in space at this time is just not a good idea. "Make Mars a one-way trip, scientists suggest" They say it could save money and speed up colonization as a hedge against a disaster on Earth. November 16th, 2010

- Congressional Idiots
I wonder why they wish the NASA Moon project to continue...would it be because their state could benefit from supplied materials and services. They are idiots that wish to promote a one-sided venture into space. "It is imperative that the United States...

- Obama's Smart Move
This is a smart move by the Obama administration. It is time that many of NASA's projects be curtailed or placed in outside competent contractors and a realization in these economic times that trips to the moon and Mars are unreasonable and fraught...

- Man In Space--common Sense Statement
Well, it appears that "common sense" and logic are settling in at NASA. "Space review panel says moon, Mars out of reach" by Irene Klotz August 14th, 2009 Reuters The U.S. plan to return astronauts to the moon by 2020 will not happen without a big boost...

- Apollo Astronauts Complain
I expected nothing less from "space cowboys". "Apollo astronauts bemoan state of U.S. space program" by Irene Klotz July 21st, 2009 Reuters CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida--The U.S. investment in the Apollo space program, which landed men on the moon, paid...

