Religious Fundamentalists Are the Ultimate Nerds

Religious Fundamentalists Are the Ultimate Nerds

When you think of a nerd, you probably have a very specific image in your mind of someone who wears thick glasses and lacks physical and social grace, but if you were to think about the general qualities that characterize a nerd, you'd find things like borderline-insane obsession with very narrow pursuits, a general inability to relate to folks who don't share their passions, a megalomaniacal sense of self-importance because they happen to hold what they mistakenly believe to be some ultimate and transcendent truth, virtually zero athletic prowess, a tendency to interpret fiction as facts... and probably not much in the way of pre-marital sex.

And if you think about other groups to which these features apply, you'd realize that religious fundamentalists are the ultimate nerds...

But that's not all true... Catholic priests have plenty of sex :)

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