


This was brought to my attention by POSP stringer Tim...those giants and king of trees--the Redwoods.

Mario D. Vaden's Redwood Forest & Giant Redwoods Photo Album 1.

Why some redwood locations are secret

And an interesting educational film...

Redwood Saga [1940]

- A Polish Anomaly...the "crooked Forest"
INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF FORESTS "Poland's Mysterious Crooked Forest" by Christina Reed June 28th, 2011 DiscoveryNews In a tiny corner of western Poland a forest of about 400 pine trees grow with a 90 degree bend at the base of their trunks - all...

- Fallen Redwood Update
INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF FORESTS "Boardwalk planned for trail where giant sequoias fell" Forest Service received slew of suggestions on how to proceed after twin giant sequoias blocked portion of popular trail. by Bettina Boxall December 13th, 2011 Los...

- Fallen What?
INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF FORESTS I wonder if it made a sound when it hit the ground? :) "Giant sequoia falls, raising questions about what to do next" The Forest Service must decide what to do with the ancient tree, which is blocking a path. Build over...

- Robin Hood & Sherwood Forest
INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF FORESTS And what would the guys of Sherwood Forest think about this. They may not be such "merry men" anymore. "Can Robin Hood’s Sherwood Forest be saved?" The famous Sherwood Forest is no longer what it used to be during the...

- March 3rd, 2009--3/3/09--√9 = 3--3² = 3 × 3 = 9
Nearly slipped by...this is "Square Root Day" celebrated by math aficionados. It is a rare mathematical function event that won't happen again until April 4th, 2016. Tuesday is "Square Root Day", a holiday that occurs when the day and the month are...

