Physics history--appreciation

Physics history--appreciation

You cannot appreciate the richness of physics or understand the implications and complexity of modern physics without some sort of historical perspective. To indulge in strictly current trends without an historical approach is doomed to an incomplete description and understanding of physics. Thus, I believe it would be important to cite several links to the history of physics from the ancients to modern and the interaction of physics/mathematics and the philosophy of science. Way too many times I see current terms thrown about without any sound definition or historical usage and development of such terms.

Further reading:

American Institute Of Physics

"Early Greek Science: Thales to Plato"

Google Directory


"Physics before Galileo"

"Preserving the Heritage of Discovery"

"Was Aristotle the first physicist?"

- An Argument For "classical Physics" Or An Argument Against "theoretical Physics"
Abstract... In this paper, it is argued that theoretical physics is more akin to an organism than to a rigid structure. It is in this sense that the epithet, “sick”, applies to it. It is argued that classical physics is a model of a healthy science,...

- Physics
Learn a new field of science or simply refresh. This was brought to my attention by POSP stringer Tim. Physics for the 21st Century was designed for adult learners, including high school teachers, undergraduates, and the interested public—college...

- Five Years Year Of Physics 2005
The World Year of Physics (WYP 2005) was a worldwide celebration of physics and its importance in our everyday lives. Physics not only plays an important role in the development of science and technology, but also has a tremendous impact on our society....

- "theoretical Physics...good Epistemology?" Poll
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- Fermi Neutron Physics--british Nuclear Programs
The history of physics is fascinating and many times more understandable than the physics. Such was the attempted goal of the United dominate post war nuclear physics...and it didn't work. S. Espositi's paper... Abstract: A novel...

