Peter Singer - The Life You Can Save, in 3 minutes

We all like to think that we are good, moral, compassionate people. Of course, that's always easier said than done. Often, we tend to consider ourselves good simply because we are not out doing evil stuff, but not doing evil doesn't make you good; it just makes you
not evil. Being good requires active participation, and active participation requires that you take a hard look inside and ask yourself whether you could be doing more to help those in need. When you ask yourself that simple question, you are almost inevitably going to find that the answer is a very quick, obvious and embarrassing yes.
Are your actions consistent with your moral intuitions? Are your moral intuitions consistent with each other? Using philosopher Peter Singer's notion of the expanding moral circle, the following 3-minute animation brings home the important point that the very same reasoning you would provide to explain and justify your moral intuitions and behavior in one case should also apply to other cases that may not seem as similar at first glance, even though they are actually logically identical.
If you can resist the natural urge to want to rationalize your cognitive dissonance, the upshot is that you could become a better human being...
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So What Are These Ethical Issues Around Gay Marriage?
With North Carolina's enshrinement of bigotry into their state constitution and Obama's evolution to accepting the need for gay men and lesbians to receive fair and equal treatment under the law, there has been lots of talk about the ethical dilemma...
Evil, Structure, And Personal Responsibility
Trials for crimes against humanity by former members of the leadership of the Khmer Rouge have begun and the first is one of the most notorious prison commanders who not only ordered but carried out torture. His defense, of course, is based around "I...
Bullshit Or Not: Nietzsche Edition
There's an old sketch film called Amazon Women on the Moon and one of the bits is a parody of the old Leonard Nimoy show, "In Search Of..." called, "Bullshit or Not?" with the tagline "Bullshit or not? You decide." It's a line I like so much that...
A) Explain The Theodicy Of Irenaeus (25).
This essay has been written because I feel that some text books lack a coherent account of what Irenaeus actually said. Please feel free to comment on any aspects of my work. Again, as always, everything written on here has be completed under timed conditions...
Remembering 9/11 - Imagine No Religion
Today marks the 10th anniversary of that surreal and catastrophic day that will be forever marked in our collective and individual memories. Needless to say, my heart and thoughts are with everyone affected by that tragedy. But I think this day also presents...