Mitt Romney's Bain Damage

Mitt Romney's Bain Damage

Questions about Mitt Romney's time as CEO of Bain Capital have people concerned. On the one hand, he is running for president on the platform of his business experience. Of course, that business experience includes buying American companies, driving them to the ground, forcing all their employees to lose their jobs (either through the company's bankrupcy or through outsourcing those jobs to foreign nations), all while making obscene profits for Romney and his cronies, and laughing at those he screwed. On the other hand, when those business practices are questioned, he quickly claims that he was not involved in such business decisions... in which case he no longer has a business platform upon which to  base his presidential candidacy... wait, what?

Anyway, Jon Stewart is wondering whether this dark picture of Romney is purposefully designed to coincide with the timing of the latest of Batman's villains...

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And then there's the question of the difference between not breaking the law (because of all sorts of contorted loopholes and legal maneuvers) while being a total douchebag completely out of touch with the plight of regular people, and being perfectly happy to get all kinds of tax breaks and government subsidies for the rich while telling poor people that they cannot expect their government to help them with their healthcare costs and education the way it does with his luxurious tax write-offs, like sending his horse to the prom...

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
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