May celebration 1901
The Pan-American Exposition of the World's Fair held in Buffalo, New York was honored by the United States Postal Service celebrating then, modern technology.Technical data...Flat Plate printing, 200 Subject Plates, Double-line Watermark, Perforation 12 and designed by R. Ostrander Smith.Engravers:Vignette: 1¢ by G.F.C. Smillie, 2¢-10¢ by Marcus Baldwin and Lyman F. Ellis.Frame: 1¢ by Robert Ponickau, 2¢-10¢ by Marcus Baldwin and Lyman F. Ellis.Lettering and Numerals: Lyman F. Ellis.The Pan-American Exposition Stamps of 1901
The 1¢ Fast Lake NavigationThe one cent stamp portrays the steamship "City of Alpena" which operated along the Great Lakes. The stamp was printed in two steps, first the vignette, the illustration of the steamship, was printed in black and then the frame surrounding it was printed in green.
The 2¢ Fast Express The two cent stamp portrays the "Empire State Express" out of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroads. Politics played a key role in the choice of the design, honoring a New York commercial venture. The 4¢ Automobile
The four cent stamp portrays an electric automobile, or more appropriately an "Electric Vehicle Service" as illustrated in the turn of the century Baltimore and Ohio Railroad flyer from which the engraving of the stamp was based, complete with Capitol Dome in the background. There has been some debate as to whether this stamp was the first U.S. stamp to depict a living person. It is argued that the 2¢ Trans-Mississippi stamp holds that distinction and there is merit in Gary Griffith's argument that the two men depicted in the "front" seat are both chauffeurs and that the man in the passenger compartment is actually the "first living man" depicted on a U.S. stamp - Samuel P. Hege.
The 5¢ Bridge at Niagara FallsThe five cent stamp portrays what was then the largest single span steel bridge in the world, traversing the Niagara Falls. If you look closely you can see two trolley cars crossing the bridge linking the U.S. and Canada. Niagara Falls was of course an integral part of the World's Fair in Buffalo, and the hydroelectric power that it delivered turned on the spectacular "City of Lights", the most breath-taking display of electric light to date, and certainly one of the highlights of the Fair.
The 8¢ Canal Locks at Sault de Ste. MarieThe eight cent stamp portrays the canal locks at Sault de Ste. Marie. As with the "Bridge at Niagara Falls" stamp, this stamp illustrates a spirit of international co-operation, with the sister cities Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan and Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario sharing the honors. The locks were a great engineering feat and did much to promote commerce in the Midwest, providing navigational links between Lake Superior and Lake Huron and therefore the rest of the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean.
The 10¢ Fast Ocean Navigation The ten cent stamp portrays the American Liner steamship, St. Paul, with a touch of artistic license. The St. Paul's claim to fame was that it was the first commercial ship to be commissioned as a warship during the Spanish-American War, still fresh in the minds of the designers of this series.
Lick 'em And Stick 'em...some Postal History
"The Story of the First Postage Stamp" July 19th, 2013 “Philately” (get your mind out of the gutter) is the proper term for the studying of stamps and stamp collecting. It was coined in 1865 by Georges Herpin, who very well may have...
New Horizons Stamp--one Week Left
PARTICIPATE"New Horizons Stamp Drive Completes a 10K – and Keeps Going!"March 7th, 2012NASAAs fast as NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft is heading toward Pluto, the drive to honor this historic exploration of the ninth planet is speeding toward its finish....
Commemorative Stamp For New Horizons
Design by Dan Durda New Horizons Aims to Put Its Stamp on History New Horizons will make history when it explores the Pluto system in July 2015. Plans for the flight past Pluto and its moons are well under way – and now, so is an effort to petition...
Cry For An Old Form Of Communication Or To Generate Revenue?
"Revenue", I would bet. The U. S. Postal Service is in deep trouble and they will try anything. Think about it...when was the last time you received a genuine, hand-written first class letter? Been a while, hasn't it.
"U.S. Postal Service unveils...
Deceased--paul Calle
Paul Calle March 3rd, 1928 to December 30th, 2010 "Paul Calle, Postage Stamp Designer, Is Dead at 82" by Margalit Fox December 31st, 2010 The New York Times Paul Calle, a commercial artist whose most famous work was no bigger than a postage stamp,...