Maria Reiche...Nazca Lines...alien landing diagrams

Maria ReicheMay 15th, 1903 to June 8th, 1998
Maria Reiche was a German-born Peruvian mathematician and archaeologist was the self-appointed keeper of the Nazca Lines, a series of desert ground drawings over 1,000 years old, near Nazcain in southern Peru.Erich von Däniken, extraterrestrial enthusiast, claimed that the line figures were landing instructions for ancient alien visitors and was ridiculed by Carl Sagan alien beings who have traveled billions [and billions] of miles in space need landing diagrams as if they were B-52 Liberators? Maria Reiche [Wikipedia]Nazca Lines [Wiki[edia]
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Nazca Hypothesis
This aerial view shows the southern part of the labyrinth, including the central mound and the spiral that marks the 'outer' end. "Ancient Drawings in Peruvian Desert: New Light On the Nazca Lines" December 10th, 2012 Science Daily Archaeologists...
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Nasca Lines--solved
I don't care what they say, the Nasca lines are landing guides for alien spaceships. "Spirits in the Sand" The ancient Nasca lines of Peru shed their secrets. by Stephen S. Hall March 2010 National Geographic From the air, the lines etched in the...