Laser contest from the American Physical Society

LaserFest Video Contest
Win $1,000!
Do you love lasers? Ever wanted to unravel the mystery of the stimulated emission? Then the LaserFest video contest is for you. Take any laser you want and use it to somehow express a physics concept. Shine, lase, bounce and wave your way into physics history.
The winner will receive a trophy lovingly made by APS staff from some of our favorite laser toys as well as $1,000 cash. All entries must be received by May 16th at midnight.
Physics Central
Physics Central's Laserfest Video Contest...a Reminder
Closing date for Physics Central's LaserFest Video Contest is May 16th. Physics Central...
Physics Central Toy Box Physics Video Contest--last Day To Vote
This is the last day to vote for Physics Central Toy Box Physics Video Contest . Physics Central Toy Box Physics Video Contest...
Physics Central Toy Box Physics Video Contest
I was beginning to worry for the winners' posting was scheduled four days ago. But now the information and videos are available for viewing...and voting. I was not aware that the winners were to be selected by readers of the website. Check them out...some...
Physics Contest Announced June 5th
We have now reached the submission deadline for the Physics Central Toy Box video contest. Thanks to everyone for the fantastic entries. We will review the Toy Box videos and announce the winners on June 5th! Physics Central...
Physics Toy Contest Reminder #1
Just a reminder that May 26th is the closing date for the American Physical Society's Physics Central's Toy Box Physics Video Contest. Information...