Is Being Smart a Disability?

Is Being Smart a Disability?

The courts have determined that it is perfectly o.k. to discriminate against people with high IQs. A man applying for a position with the New London police force was denied -- and his denial upheld -- on the grounds that he scored too highly on the entrance exam. Aristotle argues that moderation is the key for ethical virtues, but that with respect to intellectual virtues more is better. One can never be too smart, too wise, too knowledgeable, too good of a problem solver, too clever,... But is he or the New London police department right? Can you be too smart? Can being smart be a flaw? In general? for certain occupations?

- Modern Mencken
Tomorrow is Mencken day at the Enoch Pratt Library, honoring one of the great intellects of Baltimore.  Who would be the modern day version of H.L. Mencken?  Is there a writer who is smart, ascerbic, conservative, and wry?  P.J. O'Rourke? ...

- Happy Birthday Terry Gilliam
Today is Terry Gilliam's 70's birthday. I will admit that I saw Brazil in the theater no fewer than six times which, I believe, comes to roughly one seventh of my lifespan. Terry Gilliam is one of the few repositories of smart that we have in...

- Citation
We always tell students that the purpose of citation is to make sure that those whose ideas we are using get the appropriate credit. But what really is the real reason we cite? Is it credit where credit is due? Or is it to make arguments by authority?...

- What's The Difference?
What is the difference between smart, wise, and intelligent?...

- Apollo Robbins - The Art Of Misdirection
If you don't know who Apollo Robbins is, you might want to check a fascinating profile of him published in The New Yorker in January of this year. Quite simply, he is probably the world's best, and most honest, pickpocket. As you'll gather...

