Interesting book on minerals and history
"Fifty minerals that changed the course of history"
Jessica Gwynne
December 6th, 2013
Chemistry World
When I first picked up this book, I expected it just to be about gemstones and pretty rocks. However, as the blurb suggests, Fifty minerals that changed the course of history uses the term ‘mineral’ in its loosest sense and includes a huge range of man-made as well as natural materials. While it does have those entries about quartz, diamond, jade and coral, it also includes ‘materials’ such as petroleum and asphalt, as well as a variety of metals, including gold, mercury, uranium and steel.
This isn’t a book about the chemistry of these minerals (although it does go as far as including their chemical formulae), but that doesn’t make it any less interesting. There is a separate entry for each material, and they are all listed alphabetically (by Latin or Greek name).
Each of the 50 selections describes the history of the material and its impact on civilisation, as well as including a variety of interesting anecdotes.
The book is well written, in a style that is easy to read and understand, and the entries range from two to eight pages in length, which makes it easy to dip in and out. It is beautifully illustrated with photographs, pictures and diagrams, and some of the additional snippets of information are included in separate boxes, which adds variety to the layout of the pages.
Fifty minerals that changed the course of history is a thoroughly enjoyable book that will be appreciated by a variety of audiences.

Fifty Minerals that Changed the Course of History
Eric Chaline
ISBN-10: 1845435079
ISBN-13: 978-1845435073
From Booklist...
Chaline offers yet another lens through which to view human history. This reference compiles 50 essays focusing on the influence of minerals on the progression of civilization. Topics are well considered, including both the expected and unexpected, covered varying degrees of detail. The entries characterize the minerals by their type, place of origin, and chemical formula. Importance is weighed according to four categories: commercial, cultural, industrial, and scientific. Numerous images, captions, and sidebars augment the author’s discussion of each subject. This serves to enhance the overall interdisciplinary nature of this text. For example, the entry for petroleum considers the early use of the substance equally as important as its current uses. It also recognizes the harmful ecological impact that it has had over the course of history. Information on other, lesser-known minerals, such as natron and kaolin, offers the reader an opportunity to delve further into each mineral’s historical significance in an accessible way. Minerals are organized according to scientific nomenclature, detracting from the ease of use as a quick reference. The order of entries, alphabetized according to their formal name, forces the reader of the full text to jump between disparate eras and cultures. Had Chaline organized these topics chronologically, the full text may have flowed more fluidly. However, simply organizing alphabetically by common name may also have enhanced the ability of the reader to access desired information more quickly. A short bibliography and listing of helpful websites is offered at the end of the monograph. As this is intended to be a brief guide, and not a specialist-level scientific reference, it may not be useful in higher education or for professional use. However, as an interesting, affordable, and readable guide, this work is recommended for most school and public libraries. --Becca Smith.
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