Id, Ego, and Supercalifragilisticexpialidotious

Id, Ego, and Supercalifragilisticexpialidotious

Schadenfreude -- enjoying the suffering of others...

Freudenschade -- suffering in the delight of others...

Freudundschatze -- A famous psychologist and his sweetie...

Freudenschadenfreude -- suffering at others enjoying the suffering of others...

- Is There A Moral Difference Between The Needs Of Victims In Japan And Haiti?
Looking at the Red Cross signs for donations to help the victims of the earthquake/tsunami/potential nuclear meltdown in Japan, raises questions about the moral imperative to help. When the earthquake struck Haiti, there were horrible conditions as well....

- Me And My Uncle: Justice, Irony, And Schadenfreude
One of the pieces in The Grateful Dead and Philosophy that I really love is the one written by own playground playpal Hanno. It's called "Me and My Uncle...and Thomas Hobbes" and examines a question that arises out of the Dead's most performed...

- Horrifying Planet - Zebra: Nature's Ultimate Prey
When it comes to the philosophical problem of evil (the question of how an omnipotent and benevolent God would allow unnecessary suffering to exist), religious believers tend to argue that suffering is a necessary consequence of our having free will:...

- The Golden Eagle, Bird Of Evil
When presented with the problem of evil (the logical inconsistency between an omnipotent and benevolent god and the existence of needless suffering), religious believers usually argue that human suffering is a necessary cost we pay for the greater benefit...

- Repressive Procreation Law
On July 14 1933 a sterilization law was passed in Nazi Germany, known as Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses(Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring). Any German was a target if they were found to be suffering from a range of...

